Assured Automation

Roselle, New Jersey 07203


About Assured Automation

Assured Automation is a leading supplier of automated valves, actuators, flow meters and valve accessories. In addition to our standard products, we offer special order and custom assemblies for unique applications.

Product Summary

Assured Automation is a leading supplier of automated valves, actuators, flow meters and valve accessories. Our customers appreciate the quality products, excellent service, and ability to help solve unique challenges.


263 Cox St.
Roselle, New Jersey 07203
United States
(732) 381-2255

More Info on Assured Automation

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Assured Automation is a leading supplier of automated valves, actuators, flow meters and valve accessories. Our customers appreciate the quality products, excellent service, and ability to help solve unique challenges. In addition to our standard products, we offer special order and custom assemblies for unique applications. Our experience in project and special valve automation spans over 30 years.

We offer an online Valve Configurator that allows you to build, view, price and order your valve package easily and quickly online. We are proud to be ISO 9001:2015 Certified.

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