Pumps, Motors & Drives

Courtesy of Blackmer
Seal-less eccentric disc pump models feature no mechanical seals, packing, couplings — or even magnets, with the shaft sealed instead by a unique double stainless-steel bellows.
Pumps, Motors & Drives

Why seal-less pumps can provide benefits over sealed pumps

March 14, 2025
When manufacturing or handling dangerous and hazardous chemicals, full product containment is necessary and seal-less pumps can improve safety, and optimize maintenance and operational...
Courtesy of Unibloc Hygienic Technologies
While AODD pumps are highly reliable, fast troubleshooting will minimize downtime.
AODD Pumps

Troubleshooting air-operated double-diaphragm pumps

Sept. 11, 2023
A practical checklist for how to quickly troubleshoot an AODD pump.
Marina Demkina | Dreamstime.com
Dreamstime M 165814432
Pumps, Motors & Drives

Processing Q&A: Realizing energy savings for motors and drives

Aug. 24, 2023
Discussing trends in the sector with Rockwell Automation's John Dirks.
Courtesy of Emerson
Figure 1 (above, below right): VFDs and servos both operate motors but have differing capabilities. Many users implement both types of motor and motion control, and they would prefer a single coordinated development and automation environment for best ease of use and performance.
Pumps, Motors & Drives

Simplifying motor and motion control architectures

Aug. 17, 2023
When combining VFD motor and servo drive motion control with automation and data driven systems, a coordinated portfolio of products makes the task far easier than pursuing custom...
Courtesy of RMI Pressure Systems
Pump designers and manufacturers must respond to customers' pressing needs, such as equipment longevity and reliability.
Pumps, Motors & Drives

Energy efficiency underpins pump sector shift to system focus

Aug. 16, 2023
Addressing energy inefficiencies should be a priority for the pump sector. An important way of doing this can be seen in the shift away from a purely product offering approach...
Photo 249286100 © Nasakid9 | Dreamstime.com
A pump used in the food processing industry.
Bearings & Seals

Addressing sealing challenges in rotating equipment for the food and pharmaceutical industries

July 31, 2023
Material certifications, seal geometry and even seal color must also be factored in to allow for maximized seal life, minimized risk and reduced total cost of ownership for both...