More Info on Tuthill
While searching for an efficient way to lift clay from the bottom of the quarry and deliver it to the kilns where it would become brick, Tuthill came upon its first successful innovation in the pump industry. The product was a small internal gear pump that injected oil directly into the burner of a truck-mounted boiler. This pump eventually became the foundation of Tuthill Pump Company, a separate entity created in 1927.
In 1961 Tuthill purchased Ossian Engineering Company. Today, this business is known as Tuthill Transfer Systems. In 1977 Tuthill Pump Company reorganized to reflect its more diverse business and became Tuthill Corporation. Having entered the pneumatic blower business in 1988 with the acquisition of M-D Pneumatics, Tuthill Vacuum & Blower Systems was formed in 1996 by combining M-D with the newly acquired Kinney Vacuum Company.
Our parallel journeys into Lean Manufacturing and Conscious Company began in 1999 and 2004, respectively. In 2010 we narrowed our strategic focus to the rotating equipment arena and especially to products such as pumps, blowers, vacuum pumps and systems, and meters.