K-State Bulk Solids Technology Center hires new director

June 18, 2024
New BSTC director previously served as project engineer and account executive for Schenck Process.
Courtesy of K-State BSTC
6671dbd3e2df1425c2a91779 Advanced Manufacturing And Bulk Solids Technology

Olathe, Kansas (June 18, 2024; K-State release) — Kansas State University’s Advanced Manufacturing and Bulk Solids Technology Center has announced that it has hired Jonathan McPherson as its new director. Jonathan comes from Schenck Process, where he served as a project engineer and account executive. As a project engineer, he was responsible for designing and managing material handling projects from concept to complete system commissioning. While an account executive, he maintained and developed business relationships within the industries of Performance Materials, Battery, and General Industry. Further, he pursued emerging industries to drive business growth. His project backgrounds include Plastics, PVC, Paint, Lead-Acid Battery, Food, and Confectionary.

The Bulk Solids Technology Center (BSTC) is at its new location on the K-State Olathe campus in Kansas City. It is the only university-based facility and staff in North America dedicated to helping industry with bulk solids technology and education. Its strengths include industrial education classes, material testing, research, and consulting projects for powder and bulk solids handling and processing. Over a dozen companies are working with BSTC to build a full-scale bulk solids handling and processing lab at the new location. Short courses for industry personnel are underway, with four courses held so far this year. Additional public courses this year include Dust Collection, Material Properties Analysis and Testing, and Pneumatic Conveying. Course details can be found at  https://olathe.k-state.edu/research/advanced-manufacturing-bulk-solids-technology-center/education-training-professional-development/.

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