FEECO International

Green Bay, WI 54311-9707


About FEECO International


3913 Algoma Road
Green Bay, WI 54311-9707
United States
(800) 373-9347

More Info on FEECO International

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FEECO International, Inc. was founded in 1951 as an engineering and equipment manufacturer. FEECO is recognized globally as an expert in providing industry-leading process design, a range of engineering capabilities, including everything from process development and sample generation, feasibility studies, to detailed plant engineering, as well as manufacturing to a variety of industries, including: fertilizer and agriculture, mining and minerals, power/utility, paper, chemical processing, forest products and more. As the leading manufacturer of processing and handling equipment in North America, no company in the world can move or enhance a concept from process development to production like FEECO International, Inc.

Articles & News

Courtesy of FEECO International
Powder & Bulk Processing

Rotary drum maintenance: Training makes all the difference

Jan. 2, 2025
Comprehensive rotary drum training empowers companies to recognize problems before they become larger and more costly issues.
Courtesy of FEECO International
Powder & Bulk Processing

Maximizing mixer potential through testing

June 4, 2024
Process development testing is vital to developing an effective process optimized for efficiency or optimizing an existing process without affecting the live production environment...
Courtesy of Dos Santos International
This overland belt conveyor is curved to follow the terrain.

Carried away: Belt conveyors for every distance

July 19, 2023
This article discusses the key differences between conventional and overland belt conveyors and the benefits each can offer.
Courtesy of FEECO International
Feeco Opener
Powder & Bulk Processing

Process training for pelletizing plants

July 5, 2023
Proper training provides equipment operators with the ability to maximize production and product quality, avoid downtime and prolong equipment life, making it an essential aspect...
All images courtesy of FEECO International.
FEECO rotary dryer.
Powder & Bulk Processing

An introduction to rotary dryers

April 18, 2023
This article describes the benefits of rotary drying systems as well as their applications, limitations, operation and design considerations.
Courtesy of FEECO International
Powdered bentonite clay.
Mixing, Blending & Size Reduction

Pin mixers ideal for industrial clays

Feb. 13, 2023
An overview on how pin mixers are employed in bringing industrial clay products to market, as well as some of the challenges these mixers face and how producers can work around...
Courtesy of FEECO International
A rotary dryer with a combustion chamber on rails allows the combustion chamber to be easily moved away for maintenance and cleaning of the rotary dryer.
Material Handling (Dry & Wet)

Considerations in rotary drum design for the chemical industry

Nov. 21, 2022
Chemical producers depend on their rotary dryers, granulators, kilns and coating drums to operate efficiently, reliably and safely, no matter what type of product they are manufacturing...
Courtesy of FEECO International
A pin mixer shaft with pins in fabrication. Pin mixers have become near standard in production lines pelletizing powdered limestone and gypsum into granular soil amendment products.
Powder & Bulk Processing

Seven overlooked settings in which mixers can offer benefits

Sept. 11, 2022
Industrial mixers have a number of useful applications beyond the simple mixing of ingredients.
An indirect rotary kiln awaiting shipment.
Powder & Bulk Processing

Using rotary kilns for high-temperature bulk solids processing

April 19, 2022
Rotary kilns are increasingly valued for high-temperature bulk solids processing. This article covers how they are used, how they work and what makes them so adaptable.
Courtesy of FEECO International
A FEECO direct rotary dryer with combustion chamber.
Powder & Bulk Processing

Relying on rotary drums for process heating and cooling

Feb. 10, 2022
While the available technologies for drying, heating and cooling bulk solids can make deciding on a given approach challenging, processors often come to rely on rotary drum technology...

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All content from FEECO International

Figure 1: Pelletized iron oxide produced via agitation agglomeration.
Powder & Bulk Processing

Agitation agglomeration: Engineering particles for the chemical industry

Oct. 28, 2021
How agitation agglomeration gives chemical processors the tools to manufacture their products to meet increasingly specific market expectations.
FEECO International
Figure 1: FEECO customer service engineers on-site for a rotary dryer inspection.
Maintenance & Safety

Basic (but essential) rotary drum maintenance

Aug. 13, 2021
No matter what material they are processing, rotary drums of all types have one thing in common: they depend on proper maintenance procedures to continue providing reliable and...
Courtesy of FEECO International
Figure 1: The ability to manipulate and control granule formation, be it in fostering it or discouraging it, is an essential skill for mixer operators in the bulk solids processing space.
Mixing, Blending & Size Reduction

Promoting and preventing agglomeration in the mixing process

June 29, 2021
The ability to manipulate and control granule formation, be it in fostering it or discouraging it, is an essential skill for mixer operators in the bulk solids processing space...
Courtesy of FEECO International
3D rendering of a FEECO pugmill mixer
Mixing, Blending & Size Reduction

Design considerations and modifications for industrial mixing equipment in harsh applications

Jan. 15, 2021
The design of an industrial mixer is always of paramount concern, but it requires special attention when designing for an application that is especially harsh.