October 2020

Figure 4 Bottom
Temperature Measurement

Simplifying temperature measurement to deliver improved safety and increased productivity

Oct. 28, 2020
Advanced technologies are replacing traditional temperature measurement solutions to deliver value for chemical plant and facility applications.
Courtesy of TrendMiner
Main Image
Asset Management

Realizing your smart factory’s full potential with self-service advanced analytics

Oct. 26, 2020
With the use of self-service analytics, process manufacturers can quickly turn their factories into smart factories, which will allow them to leverage the full potential of data...
Courtesy of Swagelok
Pressure gauges are a critical part of any fluid system, offering an easy visual indicator of whether the system is operating within the desired pressure range, or if a problem is imminent.
Pressure Measurement

5 ways to detect and prevent pressure gauge failures before they happen

Oct. 22, 2020
Stop these critical components from impacting operations when broken or not operating properly.
Courtesy of REDLIST
Adequately maintained processing equipment is essential to chemical processing.
Preventive/Predictive Maintenance

5 steps for improving reliability in chemical manufacturing with preventive maintenance

Oct. 21, 2020
Preventive maintenance increases reliability and consistency in all aspects of processing, and chemical processors — in particular — can receive many benefits from a thorough ...
Courtesy of the Massman Companies
Both the product and the market play a part in determining the most effective package.
Bagging & Packaging

Packaging for cannabis products evolves as new products appear and the promise of a bigger marketplace looms

Oct. 19, 2020
Packaging has always presented a challenge for brand owners, but in the fast-evolving cannabis industry, the challenge is especially critical.

More content from October 2020

fotofrog / E+ / Getty Images
Consumer product goods (CPG) companies looking to prioritize sustainability amid the pandemic can find solutions and insights at November's PACK EXPO Connects 2020.
Bagging & Packaging

Driving packaging sustainability in the time of COVID-19

Oct. 15, 2020
Three reminders to reinvigorate brand commitments to eco-conscious packaging.
Image courtesy of eschbach
Eschbach Main Image
Asset Management

The IIoT needs you and me

Oct. 14, 2020
To realize its potential, IIoT solutions must address the role of the connected industrial worker in this brave new world.